
Submissive man sharing tips about how to get your wife to enjoy domination.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Getting the jobs done

Been very busy and have had little time for extra-curricular activities. Working full time and doing most of the domestic chores keeps me out of trouble and i am more than happy to be so productive, but something has to give, and that seems to be my ramblings here.
Also, since there have been no comments requesting specific helpful hints, maybe i am not providing any great service, at least not one anybody reading needs. Certainly this is no Hints by Heloise, but what it lacks in knowledge is compensated for by experience. Granted, it is a very specialized kind of experience, i am sure. Not many men, i would venture, are really out there performing the domestic duties while holding down a job, and have Wives who don't work, or who work part time, and spend their free time as they wish with no concern for chores. No concern, that is, except that they enjoy the fact of them being done to their standard and hopefully that they do not even need mention them.
It is totally embarrassing for me to have to be reminded of a chore, and i am constantly trying to remember all of the little things that need doing. Do any of you have a system that helps? Have tried putting all of the jobs on a spreadsheet, and was hoping She would take part in it, maybe add things or write in credits or demerits. What i found, though, was that this was just for me. She doesn't really want to have to review my work, She just wants it done so She doesn't have to think about it. Of course this is right and proper, after all, i am the submissive and want to be doing this and She is entitled to not have to be bothered.
So it goes, and so must i, for She is due home from Her shopping excursion soon and i must still walk the dog and clean up breakfast dishes and tidy up.


  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger Lady Janon said…

    I like your blog!

    You might like She's kind of bubbly, but has a LOT of practical housekeeping advice.

  • At 4:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Are you a member of any message boards where others in your lifestyle can share thoughts and mutual support? i would like to discuss our similar lives more. i would suggest joining as a good way to talk about these issues.

  • At 5:58 PM, Blogger Just Me said…

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving comment. The are a few sites that i check, though irregularly. The links on this site are some of my favorite blogs, but i also get a digest of the yahoo Wife-Worship group,
    Mostly i don't get all the time i want, too many chores. lol. Hoping to post about my daily routine as you requested, maybe tomorrow.

  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger a said…

    There is no better life than that! For em, at least!

  • At 3:38 PM, Blogger Submissive Husband said…

    I like your blog, it does remind me of some of my weekends with my wife.

    You are more committed being able to keep it up all the time.

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger pleasingsissy said…

    Hi there. I use a 3 ring binder with a list of daily, bi-weekly, weekly monthly quarterly and annual tasks and it contains a calendar with all monthly and less frequent tasks listed by day (or week for Spring cleaning). In addition I keep an Excel spreadsheet of kitchen inventory so that we have extra of all important items and always my Wife's favorite foods available Her.


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