
Submissive man sharing tips about how to get your wife to enjoy domination.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Apologies to all

i haven't been back to blogging for a while now, and i am sorry. There has been a lot going on, yada yada etc. but this is an excuse not worthy of use. E/everyone's busy, some work multiple jobs, and the old adage "men may work from sun to sun, but a Women's work is never done" is timeworn and hardly a rationale but...
It is hard trying to do the work of a Woman, and i am not near good enough to have a lot of extra time on my hands. Domestic chores never end, but don't think i am complaining - i am not. The pleasure of being in service more than compensates for the work, and my domestication has been driven mostly by my own need for it.
Lately, however, at those times when tiredness or laziness get the better of me, She will bring me to my senses with a remark like, "I see how it is, you get me to like this authority, then you think you can quit playing anytime you want?"
Of course that makes me realize what a jerk i am, and i redouble my efforts to tasks at hand. It seems to me i get to live my fantasy and when i "fall down on the job", i am disappointing U/us both.
So please bear with me, as i try to be a good domesticated hubby, and contribute to the general discourse on FLR when time permits. i'll try not to stay away so long again.


  • At 8:08 PM, Blogger oldbear said…

    Glad you are back JM!!!!!!!

    Dude, you are 66 years old. Unless you are a stud of some kind, and on a very good diet, you aint gonna have constant game like you used to!

    Its not about some idealized form of LaLa land service, its about the foucs on being devoted, kind, graciouos, and giving.

    Of course this assumes you are not slacking off watching TV and drinkiing beer or wine. But the lady will have to face the fact sooner or later that your capabilities will decrease.

    Thanks for the commnet on my blog, I thought it might be you. I agree.

    I too have been workign like a mutha to stop this insanity.

    I am pissed at all my friends who bitch but wont hit the streets, and at the capitulation of the funding bill.

    But lets not forget, the real bad guys are the neocons, the mil-industrialist crooks, and the media goon or lapdogs.

    "Dis"-honorable mention to a lazy electorate that cant seem to resist knee-jerk yahoo ism in the ballot box.

    Love to you for fighting the fight amigo!!

  • At 1:50 PM, Blogger Queen'sKnight1 said…

    So great to see you post again.

  • At 6:36 AM, Blogger slut suzy said…

    Hi, i visited your blog for the first time today and your most post struck a chord.

    i too feel so disappointed for U/us both if ever i let Her down and like yourself then work harder to make up for it.

  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger Princess Kiki said…

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