
Submissive man sharing tips about how to get your wife to enjoy domination.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Taking time off

Posting here has been irregular to say the least, partly due to time constraints, and also to a lack of subject material. What started as a hope to enlighten others turned out to be a gateway that i am sure allowed me to learn much more from the comments of you readers than you have gained from me - thanks to all.
While i still plan to check for comments and requests often, i am putting posting on hold unless some compelling request is made. There is much to do to right the wrongs of this world, and it will require direct action. The U.S.A. today is drifting rapidly down the same path that Germany took in the 30's and i cannot and will not sit idly by and watch it anymore. Therefore, i am going to devote my free time to working for political causes that will strengthen our freedom, and candidates who will honor the vision of America's founding fathers - the bill of rights - and eviscerate those forces who have aligned themselves against it.
Posting will resume after November's election.